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CRADLE Industry Day: Scintam Engineering
by Michael Oates
On Tuesday, 26th March, CRADLE hosted an Industry Engagement Day with Scintam Engineering, a spinout company from the University of Nottingham...
PhD Opportunities at CRADLE Robotics and AI
PhD Opportunities at CRADLE Robotics and AI
The Centre for Robotic Autonomy in Demanding and Long-lasting Environments (CRADLE) is an EPSRC-funded Prosperity Partnership that brings together the industrial...
CRADLE Robots Deployed in Mars-Analogue 1.1 km Underground
Robots Deployed in Mars-Analogue 1.1 km Underground
by Paul Baniqued
The CRADLE Robotics and AI team recently participated in MINAR-XI at the Boulby Underground Laboratory, North Yorkshire.
CRADLE Industry Day: National Highways
CRADLE Industry Day: National Highways
CRADLE is hosting a series of ‘industrial sprint’ workshops aimed at sparking innovation to tackle sector-specific challenges.
The first event was for National...
Jacobs in TAROS 2023
Jacobs at TAROS 2023
by Kayleigh Jackson
Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS) is the leading academic robotics and automation conference in the UK, and this year was held in the University...
CRADLE joins Manchester Centre for Robotics and AI Industry Day
CRADLE joins Manchester Centre for Robotics and AI Industry Day
by Paul Baniqued
CRADLE team members joined the industrial robotics community in celebrating advances in robotics and artificial intelligence.
Jacobs and UK Government to Fund International Robotics Research Center
Jacobs and UK Government to Fund International Robotics Research Center
Advancing technology to help achieve net zero targets and amplify climate response
DALLAS, May 25, 2023 /PRNewswire/ —...
The University of Manchester launches new robotics research centre to support a net zero future
The University of Manchester launches new robotics research centre to support a net zero future
by Jessica Marsh
A new international research centre designed to create robotics and autonomous systems...