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CRADLE joins Manchester Centre for Robotics and AI Industry Day

by Paul Baniqued

CRADLE team members joined the industrial robotics community in celebrating advances in robotics and artificial intelligence.

The Manchester Centre for Robotics and AI hosted an exciting Industry Day, attracting a diverse group of industry partners, researchers, and innovators from various sectors.

Established by the University of Manchester in early 2022, the Manchester Centre for Robotics and AI has rapidly become a hub for cutting-edge research and development in the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence. The event served as a platform for showcasing the unique and ground-breaking projects that have been undertaken at the Centre.

The Industry Day featured a series of talks by industry partners and robot demonstrations which shed light on the collaborative efforts between academia and businesses. These discussions ranged from the latest advancements in AI to the practical applications of robotics in various industries. 

James Kell CEng FIMechE, Robotics Technical Director at Jacobs, delivered a talk and introduced the CRADLE Prosperity Partnership to the wider audience.

Among these is an introduction to the new prosperity partnership between the University of Manchester and Jacobs: the Centre for Robotic Autonomy in Demanding and Long-lasting Environments (CRADLE). The 5-year programme, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), aims to empower UK and global industries with advanced robotics and autonomous systems (RAS) technologies.

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