CRADLE researchers present their work at the IEEE UK and Ireland RAS Conference
by Joshua Bettles

Sheffield Robotics opened its doors to host the 7th Annual IEEE UK and Ireland Robotics and Automation Society Chapter Conference which brought together robotics and automation enthusiasts from all corners of the UK.
The conference featured a diverse range of presentations and workshops which connected professionals, researchers, industry leaders and students covering topics from soft and swarm robotics and to dealing with extreme and urban environments and intelligent manufacturing.
The event saw several CRADLE academics give talks: Professor Angelo Cangelosi, CRADLE Interactions WP Academic Lead and co-director of the Manchester Centre for Robotics and AI, delivered an exciting talk titled “Trust and Theory of mind for Human-Robot Interactions”. CRADLE Demonstrators WP Academic Lead Dr Simon Watson presented the research aims and achievements of the centre inviting both academics, students, and industry to engage with the project. Professor Michael Fisher, CRADLE Architectures WP Academic Lead and Co-director, spoke on `Autonomy, Trustworthiness, and Verification’.
Several postgraduate students from The University of Manchester / CRADLE Team presented including Seyonne Leslie-Dalley, Components WP, and Joshua Bettles, Demonstrators WP, who both presented their recent work, gaining a lot of attention from those present. Bettles commented “despite being my first conference and being nervous, it went amazingly! I made many new friends from different universities as well as gaining contacts of several academics who I hope to engage with in the future. It was great to hear about all the R&D going on within the UK and would recommend the conference to all PhD students.”